So right now you have probably just started at High school.
You’re scared…you’re lonely….but believe it or not, you are full of potential.
I know you still don’t understand why those kids at
Primary school bullied you or weren’t very open to your presence, but rest
assured you go to college with them now and don’t worry, you are doing SOO much
better than them, and let me tell you that’s a pretty damn good feeling.
But you already knew that, and sooner rather than later
you’re going to be an adult. Alone in the world. Hopefully in the city (FYI YOU
GOT THE OFFER FOR YOUR DREAM UNI, now you just need the grades and don’t worry, you’re
already on your way) but there is something I want you to know.
I need you to know that you can do WHATEVER you set your
mind to, be it driving, getting your grades, socialising…all scary I know but
you can do it because guess what? I am living proof of that and I can tell you
that those accomplishments have just made you grow more and more into what you
want to be right now in such a significant step in your life.
Grades are a massive importance in your life right now, I
know, but it isn’t living if you don’t have anyone to spend some of your free
time with…Friends. I’ll tell you now, you’re gonna make some pretty terrible
friend choices soon but don’t worry the friends you have now were so worth the
wait. AND you are going to make soo many more in uni. I can’t wait.
I can’t wait to see you blossom into a mature young
women…even if it does come sooner than it does for others. Also, I should add
that you are still weird, so don’t worry you’re never gonna give that up and
luckily for you, you have friends to be like that around now…you may not
believe that now because you believe it’s better to be on your own in the
library with your infinite number of friends you have in the book universe, but
you WILL make friends. My only wish is that you would have realised that
Right now, its 1 month away till your 18th
birthday. Now even I don’t know what will happen in the future for us, and as
scary as that is, I can’t wait to see it. Don’t worry about boys or grades or
other people’s opinions right now. I know you are good at that anyway but it
will probably become a concern soon, but please don’t let it get to you…I still
worry now but I don’t let it get to me anymore and it has left so much room for
everything else now.
Take care of YOU Emily. Believe in yourself. Listen to all
the Taylor Swift you need.
But please, please, please know that you are beautiful,
amazing, and talented and I wouldn’t want to be anyone else.
Love, Emily…xx
Bub-bye for now bloggers<3
How beautiful is that? |