Friday, 15 March 2013


Let me start off on something good and happy, i have a provisional place in my first choice college, so i now just need to get 5 gcse's at grade C and above. YAY! :D
But on a more serious note...Teenagers. Why do we all seem to think our problems are bigger than others? Why do people not realise that the problems they're suffering with are not rare and are probably happening to the person sitting next to them? This annoys me. It seems that these common teenage problems cloud peoples sight of others and their lives, it makes them unaware of the people around them. Im not saying this applies to all teenagers, OH NO, im saying that because were teenagers going through a LOT of life changes, we seem to forget everyone else and think that our problems are so much bigger than others because we dont talk to each other about them. We may grow out of it in the meantime but right now, its just a LITTLE thing that annoys me right now. We should appreciate what we have, while we still have it...
Another topic- LOVE. Recently ive listened to a lot of different love, and despite the fact that i am not experienced in this feeling or any feels to be honest, i know that i want to experience it sooner, rather than later. I dont know but right now im going through that nice getting to know someone stage and ive heardall these love songs talking about how love developes from friendship, but thats my problem i dont know the difference between them. Cant i have both with them? hmmm, i dont think they even want to be friends anyway so i dont think that it will go any further but for now, im REALLY enjoying my friday classes with said friend :)
 SO as i also mentioned before, ive been nominated by my form for the yearbook so far...
  • Most likely to become a model
  • Most likely to become a teacher(yeah drastic change i know...)
  • Best legs
An one other i think but i cant remember it now. Anyway i shall leave now and maybe do some work, ill probably end up reading instead any i shall leave you with this long distance love song lyrics...

"Don't count the miles, count the "i love you"'s..."
- Christina Perri, 'Miles' 

BUB-BYE BLOGGERS :) or BBB if you prefer?

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