Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Madness in a bottle...

Heres the thing about me. Im not good with emotions. I dont know how to figure them out. What emotions im feeling. How to communnicate those to others. But every now and then i will knnow when im sad and i tend to bottle these feelings up because i know when i feel sad due to stress, its the one emotion that i obviously show.
So after weeks and weeks of stress and sadness building up either from school or hom, mentally i burst at the seams and i usually go seeking my dogs warmth and unconditional love. Although my mum is getting better at spotting these times when im just about to fall into the deep whole that i try to cover up, i dont know if its because its only recently that ive gone to her with my problems at school or if its because she knows im starting my GCSE exams so she knows how easily stressed i get. But all i know is that i appreciate the hugs she gives me when no one else in my family does. But yet again ive started the proccess of covering them up, putting them in a hole and waiting for the next breakdown.
You would have thought i'd have learnt wouldnt you? But no. Because i dont know how to communicate my feelings or what these feelings root from, this proccess is just going to end up repeating itself over and over again. 

But on a more positive note, i found out that i got an A in my business assessment...2 off an A* -_- but hey im not complaining. Im also reading a different book to what i would usually read and its a nice change i guess. 
Anyway i really need to relax now or try and figure out what these emotions are and why they are there, but for now i will leave you with this quote...thankyou for letting me get that off my chest :)
this is oh soo true...


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