Thursday, 21 February 2013

wise philisophical stuffs

Okk so i know i havent blogged in a while, but like ive said this will be irregular so get used to it now. Also i know this is quite late, but i feel like i owe an explanation as to why i havent blogged in a while so here it is: I'm having the most stressful week of my life.
A week was just not long enough to complete 7 pieces of artwork, learn a german writing piece and revise for chemistry, biology and physics as well as completing every other piece of homework i have. So, yeah. While all of this has been spinning around my head, i have been doubting myself and crying for no reason plainly for the fact that im a teenager and it was inevitable that i was going to reach this point.
But im blogging today (at this late hour) because right now im in a positive state of mind so i thought id take advantage of it by blogging something positive. So here it is. Ive been thinking about all of the people in my life today; friends, family, teachers and just strangers/aquitances that ive met in my life so far. Thanks to all of them, whether they were aware of it or not, have made me the person i am today which i am soo thankful for because now i can fully appreciate what i have and the oppurtunities ive been given, something that some people can lack in this day and age because its all about living up to others expectations. But here is yet ANOTHER crazy idea: why not just be you for a change? Its so much more fun than following the crowd. You can enjoy life because you are doing what you want whether others like it or not. 
Yet i know that people will say that they feel like they cant do this because they are either scared of people judging/picking on them or that its because they dont know who they are. But, see, i dont truly know who i am but everyday i get closer to figuring that out (if im honest i think that as every day passes by im becoming a bit weirder) but i also have a slight advantage because i dont care what others think of me. This is mainly because i was bullied when i was younger so i was more independant and learned to both ignore but accept that others will always have opinions of you good or bad and theres no time to waste on caring what they think, so why not make them feel worse by showing them that you couldnt care less what they think of you? Seriously if i can do it so can you. And if your already one of those strong independant people then good for you. Im not going to assume that everyone follows anyone else but themselves, but i know that it is easy to fall into that trap as im speaking from experience but i learnt my lesson and i dug myself out of that hole and im back and myself again. I love it.
I know this was a long post but i fancied a change and i feel like ive made the most of my good state of mind so bub-bye for now and i will leave you with an inspirational quote :)


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