Tuesday 3 February 2015

My goals

I had a few BIG goals this year all to do with my future career that were extremely difficult in ways to achieve because in life there are no guarantees. They were as follows;
  1. get into my first choice university with at least a conditional offer
  2. get my first proper job that earns money
  3. do things that LITERALLY scare you
  4. learn about how to live alone
So far, I have achieved number 1 and 3. I am so incredibly happy this week. I just feel like for once the universe is on my side...and knowing my luck I've probably just jinxed it...but yes, I have a conditional offer from the my best and favourite uni, meaning all I have to do now is work hard and get the grades. As for 3, socialising is a big, scary thing for me and it isn't easy for me to do. But this week has been a big one in the eyes of socialisation. I've spoken to people I don't know and I've opened up and become more welcoming to others which is something I SERIOUSLY lacked.
Because I feel like scaring myself more after that adrenaline rush (dramatic but true) I decided to start looking for jobs, so hopefully I will have a 3rd ticked off by the end of this month...this is all scary stuff guys.
I feel like setting these kinds of goals is extremely important because even though some of hem can be extremely extravagant, it feels x100 better than if you achieved 'eat less unhealthy foods' and personally I feel really proud and accomplished.
I'm really starting to grow up now and i'm slowly fitting into my own personality. Maybe you should set yourself some goals today. record them. plan them. achieve them. I cannot express how great this feeling is...
I think teenage Emily would be proud of 2015 Emily...x

bub-bye for now bloggers<3


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